On Tuesday, November the 14th, Wallonia’s Minister-President Elio Di Rupo was in Geneva, Switzerland, to sign a framework agreement between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Walloon Region. This agreement, signed between the Minister-President and the Director-General, M. Gilbert Houngbo, sets the foundation for a new cooperation between the ILO and the Walloon Region and integrates Wallonia in the Global Coalition for Social Justice. The objective of the agreement is to reinforce social justice and to promote decent labour.
The strategic priorities defined by this agreement are the promotion of social dialogue, tripartism (cooperation between governments, employer organizations and workers organizations), liberty of association and collective negotiation as well as decent labour.
This agreement was signed in the context of the creation of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, launched by the Director-General of the ILO and supported by Wallonia. This coalition aims at facilitating and reinforcing collective action for social justice by connecting a maximum of actors (international organizations, private sector, civil society, etc.).
For Elio Di Rupo: “We are witnessing in several regions of the world an important degradation of labour conditions for workers. Wallonia wishes to engage next to the ILO in promoting everywhere in the world social justice and workers protection.”